What is Key Lime?

What is Key Lime?

Its a URL shortening service. Click here to find out more [+]

Key Lime shrinks any URL to a more manageable size. Simply enter a long website path in the field below, click the SHRINK URL button and a new path to that same website will be generated. The URL will be significantly shorter and is a permanent link. Hide [-]

How Much Smaller is the New URL?

Key Lime cuts down the URL to a slash, a dot & 10 characters. The first 7 letters consist of the easily recognizable page title. After the slash are as few as 3 random characters. eg: keyli.me/pie
How Does it Work?

The URL is linked with as few as 3 random characters that appear after the keyli.me/ base URL. This connection is saved in a database. When the Key Lime URL is visited, it automatically redirects to the linked website.
Where Can I Use This?

Everywhere! A shorter URL is great for sending websites over mobile devices, social networking sites, through email or simply for aesthetics.